Project case study: Shop Chester-le-Street

The project has raised awareness of Chester-le-Street’s offer, developed independent retailers’ digital skills, and helped fill vacant shops.

In a nutshell

Since April 2017, has been working in partnership with key stakeholders in the County Durham market town of Chester-le-Street, including local retail landlords and the town’s Business Association.

Comprising up to three days per month of our input, the work has been funded by Chester-le-Street & District Area Action Partnership (AAP) – part of Durham County Council – alongside contributions from private commercial property owners.

What we’ve done

The best way for Chester-le-Street to thrive is if businesses work together to support the town and each other.

Graham Soult

In 2018, we created the “Shop Chester-le-Street” brand to underpin our support and promotion for the town centre.

The project has gained national attention for its work in raising awareness of Chester-le-Street’s offer, developing independent retailers’ digital skills, and helping to fill vacant premises.

The campaign has been promoted via @ShopChesterleSt social channels, and has also used prominent lamppost banners across the town as a call to action.

Businesses across the town have benefited from free one-to-one marketing and mentoring support, available to any Chester-le-Street business that has paid its nominal £10 annual fee to join the Chester-le-Street Business Association.

Making support contingent on CLSBA membership has reinforced the message that the best way for Chester-le-Street to thrive is if businesses work together to support the town and each other.

In the absence of a town council or business improvement district, the volunteer-run Business Association is the main vehicle promoting this spirit of collaboration.

What impact we’ve had

Can we help you?

Drop us a line if you think the kind of impact we have had in Chester-le-Street would be of value in your town.

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